Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gary Miller Ministries sharing KV Ministries

9 keys to walking out of discouragement KV Ministries


1- Remember who you are and who's you are. Who's your Daddy? So what are you worried about?


2- You are better than your worst day so don't let it define you.


3- Recount God's greatest miracles in your life (what He has done) and stop focusing on what He has yet to accomplish.


4- Find someone who is worse off than you and be their answer to prayer, remember, in the kingdom, whatever you need you must first give away..."give, and it shall be given to you."


5- You are not a powerless victim so stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking control of your life.


6- Nobody can make you happy, happiness is an inside job...happiness is not based on happenings, it’s rooted in Jesus.


7- Regret is an equal opportunity destroyer, so forgive yourself, and stop looking back.


8- The happiest people in the world have problems too; they just refuse to let their circumstances dictate their attitude.


9- All things work out for good in the end, so if it isn't good, than it isn't the END!

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