Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A note from our Friend Pat

The spirit of stupid causes us to feed the appetite of our flesh instead of fulfilling the purpose God has intended for us. Feeding our flesh leads us to act on our impulses rather than living according to the Word of God. The only way to discipline the appetite of the flesh is to walk in the Spirit of God. Walking in the Spirit of God gives God space to move in and through our lives. As we begin to desire God, in contrast to fulfilling the impulses of the flesh, the fleshly appetite becomes disciplined. Once this happens, we can progress in God and spiritually mature.

Proverbs 7 (with text - press on more info.)

Psalm 67

Psalm 67

The Message (MSG)

Psalm 67

    God, mark us with grace and blessing! Smile!
   The whole country will see how you work,
      all the godless nations see how you save.
   God! Let people thank and enjoy you.
      Let all people thank and enjoy you.
   Let all far-flung people become happy
      and shout their happiness because
   You judge them fair and square,
      you tend the far-flung peoples.
   God! Let people thank and enjoy you.
      Let all people thank and enjoy you.
   Earth, display your exuberance!
      You mark us with blessing, O God, our God.
   You mark us with blessing, O God.

OpWorld | Nepal

Praise and Worship Songs with Lyrics- God Will Make a Way