Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thanks Be To God

Spending Time With God - Part 3

Lisa page brooks/I want to say thank you

Yeshua (Jesus) Kadosh (Holy) !

Today We Join With Operation World in Praying for the Republic of Uzbekistan in Asia


Republic of Uzbekistan


See Prayer Information


Area: 447,400 sq km
Fertile, irrigated mountain valleys in the east, notably the Ferghana Valley. Desert and Aral Sea in the west.
Population: 27,794,296    Annual Growth: 1.10%
Capital: Tashkent
Urbanites: 36.9%
HDI Rank: 119 of 182 (UN Human Development Reports 2009)


Peoples: 67 (55% unreached) All peoples
Unreached Peoples Prayer Card

Official language: Uzbek    Languages: 39 All languages


Largest Religion: Muslim
Religion               Pop %Ann Gr

Challenges for Prayer

Uzbekistan is an arena of competing value systems. The term Uzbek means “master of himself”, but many seek to enslave the Uzbeks with their ideologies: warmed-over communism, radical Islamism (especially in the fertile Ferghana valley) and occult-tainted folk Islam. Pray that Uzbeks might find freedom by serving the Lord their Creator and true Master.
Uzbekistan is the strategic key to Central Asia, hence the intensifying struggle between the post-Soviet regime and the Islamist movements. The government’s “iron fist” policy is not deterring thousands of jobless young men from joining these movements. But much of the population is torn between these two and tired of the poverty, corruption and failure to progress. Pray for genuine change, reform and leadership that demonstrates uprightness and governs for the sake of the people. Pray that in the midst of the struggle, many may find true peace that only Jesus can give.
     For an additional 7 Challenges for Prayer see Operation World book, CD-ROM, or DVD-ROM.

More Information

The Operation World book, CD-ROM, and DVD-ROM provide far more information and fuel for prayer for the people of Uzbekistan.

He Is YAHWEH with Lyrics Messianic

O Bless The Lord My Soul Psalm 103 - artist: Belamore

All His Benefits~~~By Integrity Music

Psalm 103 (with text - press on more info.)

Psalm 103 (New International Version)

Psalm 103

Of David.

1 Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits-

3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,

5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

6 The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.

7 He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:

8 The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

9 He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever;

10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;

12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him;

14 for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.

15 As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field;

16 the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

17 But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children-

18 with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.

19 The LORD has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.

20 Praise the LORD, you his angels, you mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word.

21 Praise the LORD, all his heavenly hosts, you his servants who do his will.

22 Praise the LORD, all his works everywhere in his dominion. Praise the LORD, O my soul.