This was forworded to me from my friend Pat A. in Virginia
Thanks Pat
To: Believer
FROM THE DESK OF: Monica B. Tebis
ExxonMobil Fuels Marketing Company
Global Asset Management - Fairfax Campus
"This... is how you should pray." Matthew 6:9
Understanding the Lord's prayer
When you pray "Our Father in heaven" it establishes the basis of your relationship with God. He's not just your Creator, He is your Father.
You can create something and not be related to it, but if you father it
- it will always be yours. Today you can come to God with the assurance that you're His. You can call Him Abba, a term of endearment which means Daddy (see Romans 8:15)
"Hallowed be your name" means He is more than just your Father, He is your God.
He is worthy of your love but He demands your respect. How should we approach God? With our complaints, our demands and our wish list? No.
Gratitude and praise gets God's attention every time!
"Your kingdom come," releases God's power. "Your will be done,"
releases His purpose. "Give us today our daily bread," releases His provisions. The things you lack and long for begin to flow into your life because now you have accessed His power, discovered His purpose for you and you are walking in it.
"Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors." It's easier to forgive when you recall the things God has forgiven you for, and realize that your enemies can't stop Him from blessing you.
Remembering God's goodness to you will give you the grace to forgive others, and even understand them!
"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" means we enter each day prepared for battle, promised victory, and protected against all of Satan's attacks.
And that's why Jesus said, "This... is how you should pray.
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name." Psalm 100:4.